Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The first week

Today is our second day all on our own and so far so good. We've certainly had a few bumps in the road but nothing too serious. Everyone's kind of settling into a new routine with this little girl.

Eden is still in the sleepy stage so that makes the adjusting a little easier. Here she's doing a little sun bathing to (hopefully) get rid of the jaundice.
She almost always has her little hand up at her face when she's sleeping.
Look at this silly big sister and I don't know why I ever bother to clean that window.
Emma took these next two pictures on Sunday after church and I love how they turned out. We'll have to get her to do pictures more often because the kids never cooperate so nicely for me.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Decent sibling and family pics!!! That is quite noteworthy though I'll forgive you not all wearing white & khaki:) Hope you continue to have a peaceful transition.