Thursday, August 06, 2009

More pictures

While I'm waiting for us to be discharged from the hospital this morning, here are a few more pictures of Eden.

Look at those eyes. Do they look blue to anyone else? They certainly aren't as dark brown as the other three's were, but don't worry I'm under no allusion that they'll stay that way.
The kids came by on Tuesday morning to check out their new sister.
Gabe suggested we do a family picture with the camera's timer. It didn't turn out too bad all things considered.
Oh, how we already love this little girl and can't wait to get her home.


Julie said...

I can't get over how filled-out she is. Good thing she didn't wait around for her due date.

Tom, Rachel and family said...

Oh my goodness! She is beautiful! Congratulations!! (And tell big sis that I love her singing in the little video below!)

IC said...

Your blog is wonderful....thank you for sharing. Good idea, Gabe! The picture is perfect.