Monday, February 25, 2008

Psalm 139

Here's the latest Bible passage that the kids have learned. I would highly recommend this method for learning Scripture. I actually read it on someone else's blog, but we just read the same verses every morning at breakfast and it's amazing how quickly they catch on. It's nice for me too since I learn it along with them. We've been doing this passage about two months and this was a good choice since it was easy to add lots of hand motions. Sorry the video is not the greatest - Alena was in the mega saucer right next to me which is all the noise and as you can see Gabriel was very animated making it hard for me to follow him with the camera. Perhaps our next passage should be one on how to sit still. Anyone have an idea?


Unknown said...

Tell the kids I love them and I thought the memory work was fantastic!! They will need to help me with my memory.

Anne said...

Gabe and Mya!
Both of you did a great job!!!!
Keep up the good work!!
Looking forward to seeing you Friday!
Love You!