Sunday, May 16, 2010

Oh my, she's 3!

Alena Noi, May 16, 2007
Alena - 1 year old
I can't seem to find any pictures of her actual first birthday, not sure why but I'll have to further investigate. Can't have the 3rd child feeling short-changed in the picture department. Also, I specifically picked this picture, because Alena loves to choose this outfit for Eden to wear.
Alena - 2 years old
This was the year that Nae and I were actually flying to CA on her birthday while Grandmama and Carrie manned the fort here at home. Thankfully, she doesn't seem to have been traumatized by it all although her face in this picture does make me wonder.
Alena - yesterday almost 3
Alena has her sweet moments {"Daddy, you're the best Daddy!"} and her not so sweet ones, {like tonight when we were eating out for her birthday} but I guess that could be said of all of us. Despite it all, we love her very, very much and hope she has a wonderful 3rd birthday!

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