Today is my wonderful hubby's birthday and he turns 30! I'm sure 10 years ago he never dreamed that he'd be married with 4 (almost) kids by the time 30 came around, but here he is. He keeps our family on track, works incredibly hard, and makes life really fun. We all love him so much and want to say, "Happy, happy birthday, Nae (Daddy)!" We hope to celebrate 30 more with you.

I also have to show a picture of the note Gabe did for Nae. It just cracks me up and I told him Nae would have to take it to work so when he's having a bad day it'll make him smile. After all who can be upset when they're "the Master Dude!"

Happy Birthday Nae! Not everybody gets to be "The master dude".
That's a classic
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