Anyway, we've been reading A Pair of Red Clogs this week. The book is set in Japan so today we made some "sushi" I'm not usually one to try food projects with the kids, but this one was very easy and turned out pretty cute, I thought.
Another day we talked about how in the book the Grandmother is reminiscing and telling a story about something that happened when she was little. I had Gabe tell me a story about something that he remembered happening, I wrote it down and he illustrated his little "book." He picked a story I would have never thought of: when were coming home from the beach this summer, we stopped at a small restaurant for breakfast and while there we got to meet a man who played the harmonica. Here's his version of the story (this is mostly for the fam since it probably won't make since if you weren't there. Also, sorry about the poor videoing - I was trying to video over Gabe's shoulder. Hope it won't make you motion sick) Notice that Gabe still calls a harmoinca a "remoninca." That just cracks me up!
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