Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Our trip - by the numbers

We just got back from a road trip to Dallas, TX. We went to go to a friends wedding, but along the way got to see several friends as well as some family. We had a great time especially considering how much time was spent in the car. We didn't take very many pictures, so I'm just going to give you the details in numbers.

Number of miles traveled - 1480
Number of hours spent driving - 26
Amount of time Alena slept in the car - approximately 10 hours
Amount of time Mya slept in the car - approximately 2 hours
Amount of time Gabriel slept in the car - approximately 20 minutes
Number of different places we stayed for the 5 nights - 3 (this included unpacking and repacking every time)
Number of times Mya said, "I'm hungry" or "Can I have something to eat?" - at
least 30
Number of times we had to stop just so someone could go to the potty - 5
Number of times we stopped to gas up the van - 5
Number of times we got lost - 0 (thanks Jack for letting us use the GPS)
Number of times Alena tossed her paci and we had to climb back and find it - 7
Number of movies that were played and re-played in the van - 12
Number of load of laundry I've done since getting home this afternoon - 4
Spending hours locked in a small space with my husband and three children - priceless

1 comment:

Julie said...

I'm surprised at the low number of potty stops - I think we do that many between here and VA! Glad y'all had a good time.