Gabe got up one day last week saying he wanted to go on a picnic because, "We haven't done that in a long time." The past three weeks when we've met friends at the park and had lunch apparently didn't count because we weren't , "You know, eating on a blanket and stuff like that." So, he called Nae and it was arranged that we would meet him at a park near his work place for lunch. It was a nice little picnic and the weather was gorgeous. After lunch we stayed to play a little while.
Here they are all on the see-saw thing. Alena is holding on for dear life. I can understand why. We call this dragon park because there is a huge mosaic dragon that you can climb on. It was just the right height for Alena to pull up on and walk around. Alena, who by the way, is showing no signs of walking on her own. She crawled earlier than Gabe or Mya but, although she loves to cruise along the furniture, whenever I hold on to her hands to get her to walk she either plops right down or pulls her feet up off the ground. I guess there's no hurry, though.
My-my playing in the dirt. Right after this picture she tripped on a small tree stump and ended up with a nasty scrape on her leg. I had to push her in the stroller while carrying Alena and rounding up Gabe all the way to the car. It was not a very graceful exit as you might imagine.
Gabe had his eye on a squirrel which are so used to being fed that they will literally come almost up to eat out of your hand. Of course then they are terrorized because all the kids chase them up the trees.
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