Friday, February 02, 2007

Let it Snow!

We woke up to about 1/2 inch of snow this morning which was a very nice suprise for Gabriel. He came running into my room at 6:15 saying, "Mommy, you're not going to believe it, we really have snow!" So , in most places this wouldn't even count as a real snow since the grass was barely covered but here in Nashville this is enough to close school and everything. Gabe was outside at 8 o'clock this morning and his favorite thing to do - push his little play lawnmower all around. I just had to post this picture from February of last year. (Please excuse how terrible I look in the picture) to show how much Gabriel has changed in a year. As you can see, he was not terribly interested in the snow last year in fact one would think we were torturing him. This year he went out by himself and played for about 45 minutes.
Climbing the snow mountian (ie the sandbox).

And in other news, I took Mya to the doctor today and was very glad that I did. She has strept throat and an ear infection! I couldn't believe it - she has been a real trooper to have been that sick. She's on an antibiotic now and hopefully will improve quickly. Just thought I'd post this picture from last week when she was well and Gabriel was playing fireman (yet again) he thought it would be fun for Mya to wear boots too but as you can see she isn't quite big enough since they covered up her knees and she couldn't walk.

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