Saturday, July 06, 2013

Our July 4th

The day started early and rainy but I was still able to complete my first 5K race.

Then it was off to celebrate with Krispy Kreme (yes, I realize that doughnuts just undid all the work I put into running!) We tie dyed the shirts using this kit and they turned out really well and were so easy. Highly recommended.
It literally poured rain all day so we were pretty much stuck inside the entire day. The little girls took it upon themselves to dress as "rock stars" for the afternoon.
I'm sure all rock stars carry sippy cups around!

The rain caused all the local fireworks to be cancelled but we were still able to hang out with friends for the evening so all was not lost, and the fireworks were rescheduled for next weekend so we still have that to look forward to! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

WooHoo! Congrats on the 5K! I did my first last Saturday. Good times. :-)