Thursday, May 23, 2013

Celebrating six

(warning: this is going to be a long post)

Our Alena turned six last week and was she ever excited about it. 
We celebrated with blue cupcakes, Chick-fil-A for dinner, and presents including a spider man lego set and a remote control car.

Then, this week Mya, Alena, Eden and I headed to Atlanta where we met up with Grandmama, Carrie, RuthAnne and SaraBeth for a trip to the American Girl Doll store. 
Here's a "before" shot standing in front of the store ready to go in. Notice all of the doll's hair.
RuthAnne's birthday is today so here are the two birthday girls.
So, hard to make up your mind...
Grandmama celebrated a birthday this week too!
An "after" shot. All the dolls were treated to the hair salon where you could pick out which hairstyle you wanted your doll to have. They look so much better!
Such a fun trip to share with my girls. Happy Birthday Alena!

How old are you today? 6
What is your favorite color? black
What is your favorite food? macaroni and cheese
What is your favorite book? Spider Man
What do you want to be when you grow up?a superhero
Where is your favorite place to eat out? Chick Fil A
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? taking a walk
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? playing Bakery Story
What is the best thing about having Mya for a sister? she likes to play with us
What is the best thing about having Gabe for a brother? he helps me build with Legos
What is the best thing about having Eden for a sister? she's funny
What is the best thing about having Laney for a sister? she's sooo cute
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? play orphanage
What can't you wait to do when you get bigger? gymnastics
Where is your favorite place to visit? the beach
What do you love about going to Mathu and Pathu's? I like meatballs
What do you love about going to Grandmama and Grandaddy's? they have lots of toys to play with
What is your favorite thing to play? Mom of our dolls
What thing do you most dislike doing? playing zoo
What is your favorite part of the day? waking up on Saturday morning and watching tv
What would you do if you could stay up all night? read a book
Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world? Grandmama and Grandaddy's
What makes you happy? when my friends come over
What makes you sad? when Eden hits me
What do you wish you could do? be like Spider Man
What made this the best birthday ever? I got a Spider Man Lego set

1 comment:

kristincrook said...

I love that Alena! Her answers are always so enlightening! Glad you had a great trip...want to hear more about it!