Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving - plan B

So, yesterday when I got Eden out of bed and discovered that she had thrown up, I knew things were not looking good for our Thanksgiving Day celebration. When she was still sick last night, we made the call to switch Thanksgiving dinner from our house to Nae's parent's house.
For that reason, these are the only two (really bad) Thanksgiving 2011 pictures we will have. Nae and the 3 older kids went on to his parents with the food (and forgot the camera) while I stayed home with the still sick Eden and Laney. We watched a little tv, read some books, kept down some sticky rice, and whined a lot.
Despite this interruption to our plans, we still have so much to be thankful for:

- a house that now has floors throughout. Nae finished just this week laying the last of our bamboo floors.
- healthy kids. Nothing like a few days of sickness to make you appreciate the well ones.
- little Laney. This time last year we had no idea that we would celebrate Thanksgiving 2011 with 5 kiddos.
- all the extended family we saw, skyped, and talked to today.
- a Heavenly Father who knows what we need even when we fail to understand why

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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