Sunday, May 02, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

This has been a weekend to remember in Nashville - one that we hope will never be repeated. We have been very blessed that our house is dry and we have electricity; many, many others have not been as fortunate. The pictures and videos are just unbelievable. We've been glued to the tv watching water rescues and flood waters turn main roads (even interstates) into rivers.

Here's a few pictures just of our cul-da-sac during the heaviest part of the rain today but for more pictures click here. The picture on the front page right now was taken about a mile from our house - a place we drive by just about every day.

The kids and I have had many discussion about who controls the rain, thunder, and lightening as well as pondering just what the 40 days of rain was like for Noah. Tomorrow is looking much more promising weather wise so hopefully clean-up can begin. Also, as one who's husband has been working since yesterday afternoon to help get electricity back on, let's keep all those who have to be out in prayer for their safety!

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