Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New Baby pictures

These are, as far as I know, the last pictures we will have of our little baby #4 before he/she makes their appearance on the outside. I had my 20 week ultrasound today and the tech said that everything looks great. We are so thankful for what appears to be a healthy new baby. We stuck to our guns and didn't find out the sex even though I would have caved if Nae had hinted he wanted to know. With Alena, I was never tempted to find out, but this time around I just really want to know. I guess we will in about 20 weeks. Here are a few of the pictures.

This was my favorite picture - profile view with hand out front and legs extended. It looked like the baby was doing the backstroke.
Another profile shot.
Both feet crossed. The baby weighs approximately 11 ozs which at this point is good because he/she was breech and we for sure want it to flip around before the due date arrives. At only 11 ozs it should have plenty of room to turn around; at least I hope this is the case.


E.S. said...

Thanks for putting pictures of the new little one! I can't wait to meet him/her! :) Love Ya'll!

Julie said...

What sweet feet (that's the last shot, right?).

I always thought that day after was a killer and would make wild speculations; it'll get easier - and you probably won't even have to wait 20 weeks!

Carrie Cornett said...

BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to me him/her!!! (Oh, wait! I just saw Emma said that--well, i agree with Emms! Can't wait!)

Chrisa said...

Since I'm the only sister that hasn't posted, I felt that it would be very unfamily-ish of me not to say that I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET THE NEW BABY! :) And, he/she does have the cutest feet I've ever seen! :) Love ya'll lots!