Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dressing up with a Conversation

We are privileged to get to watch a "show" put on by Gabe and Mya several times a week. Who knows what outfit they might have on for said show and here's a good example of what we might see: Gabe looking fairly normal and Mya dressed as a... (Both the pirate sword and the baton are often used as microphones in these shows.) We got a little bit of rain today and Gabe and Mya made the most of it.
Nae has taught Alena to shut her eyes on command (a real talent for sure) here she is doing just that at supper tonight.
Alena has always been a big "talker" and she really does respond to questions with her own version of an answer; too bad we can't understand any of it. You can hear in the video just why she likes to talk so much - she is trying to compete with the other two little people that live in this house. At the end of this video, Alena also does the eye shutting trick.

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