Saturday, March 24, 2007

A visit from family

We enjoyed a great visit from my Mom, sister Carrie and her little girl RuthAnne this week. The weather was gorgeous and we decided to venture to the zoo on Thursday along with about half of Nashville. I don't think I've ever seen the zoo sooooo crowded. We still had a great day, though and Nae was even able to work only half a day and meet us there. Scroll down to see the pictures that Carrie took.

Here's Grandmama and Gabriel
The four of us with number five making a good showing too :)
Little RuthAnne being her very cute self. She enjoyed her first zoo trip.
By the end of the day both Gabriel and Mya were getting very tired. Here's how Mya enjoyed some rest. And here's how Gabriel got some rest. Thanks for checking out our pictures. Have a great week!

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